Shala Practice

5 Books to Deepen Your Journey Within

5 Books to Deepen Your Journey Within

The 5 Books that Changed My Life & Deepened My Inner Journey

In life, there are moments that we later can look back to and realize that they were pivoting moments of our path. The following books are such moments for me. Each one read at a different point of my journey, and each one awakening, and guiding me towards mindfulness and presence. Read on for my recommendation of 5 books to deepen your journey within.

1. The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle

This book catapulted me onto the path toward the present moment. After many previous attempts to quiet my mind it was specifically a simple question in this book that led to my first time experiencing stillness and complete presence. Diving deep into understanding the human mind and consciousness, distinguishing between the non-stop chatter of the ego and the true self, and realizing the suffering we create by not staying in the here and now are pillars that make this book the transformative journey it is. The Power of Now was the first book I read when beginning to walk the path toward meaning and mindfulness. I have since re-read it several times each time gaining a deeper understanding of myself, and my struggles. Subsequently, being able to use this understanding to transform the way I live.

In the words of Eckhart Tolle: “To make the journey into the Now we will need to leave our analytical mind and its false created self, the ego, behind.”

2. Lovingkindness, Sharon Salzberg

“Lovingkindness is a profound exploration of the deepest meaning of love, empathy and caring. It offers psychological insights of real spiritual value and practical utility.”
– Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence

One of the profound messages of this book is that by beginning with the cultivation of self love, and acceptance, it becomes possible to expand the felt sense of “self” to include all beings. Through Buddhist teachings, emphasizing the importance of connectedness and union, this book guides and inspires a transformation in how we relate to ourselves and to the world, returning to lovingkindness. Without having to be, or aspiring to be, a Buddhist, this book shares profound insights on finding an empowered acceptance of what is, rooted in love.

3. The Gifts of Imperfection, Brené Brown

It takes courage to be yourself, but this book shows you that it is worth every step of the way. Cultivating courage and compassion to live more authentically. Letting go of perfectionism and, embracing all that you are. Simply put: a must read without doubt.

In the words of Brené Brown: “This book is an invitation to join a wholehearted revolution. Revolution might sound a little dramatic, but in this world, choosing authenticity and worthiness is an absolute act of resistance.”

4. Radical Acceptance, Tara Brach

“Radical Acceptance offers gentle wisdom and tender healing, a most excellent medicine for our unworthiness and longing. Breathe, soften, and let these compassionate teachings bless your heart.”
– Jack Kornfield, author of A Path with Heart

Radical Acceptance shares principles used by the author Tara Brach (PhD. in clinical psychology), to help her clients recover from severe mental trauma. It is a book about feelings of unworthiness, about the longing to belong yet feeling that you don’t deserve to. It’s about how to deal with negative emotions, learning to let them in and embrace them instead of resisting them and pushing them away. Additionally, the book comes with impactful meditations which you can download from her website.

“When we stop being at war with ourselves, we are free to live fully every precious moment of our lives.” – Tara Brach

5. Freedom from the Known, J. Krishnamurti

This book is not an easy read, hence can take several attempts to get through. Yet, it is a book very much worth the time as it expands and opens your mind. It encourages you to wrestle with and question what you read, hear, and are taught, to let go of external authorities, and to connect with your inner wisdom. It is a compilation of passages from Krishnamurti’s most fundamental talks. An exploration of what complete freedom is, a dialogue and journey taken together with the reader.

“Krishnamurti was one of the most significant human beings of the twentieth century.”
– Deepak Chopra

From My Heart to Yours

Many insightful, and wonderful books have crossed my path during the years. The 5 books listed above are an impactful beginning to deepen your journey within. My hope is, that this list gives you the inspiration to embark on and deepen your own journey within, reconnecting to your inner wisdom. Even if you might not agree with all writings from the books, they hold valuable insights and can open and expand your mind towards a deeper meaning of life.

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